A Portal to Healing, Wisdom & Mastery

WORKING with plant medicines is always multi-dimensional.

Plant medicines transform us on all levels.

🌱 On the physical level - by detoxing & healing our bodies and re-wiring our neurochemistry.

🌱 On the emotional level - by uprooting old wounding and traumas to be finally be healed.

🌱 On the mental level - by showing us how to let go of outdated beliefs and perceptions that are limiting us and how we show up in the world.

But at their essence, plant medicines are energetic and spirit medicines. In indigenous and earth-based traditions who’ve maintained longevity of their practices with plants, this is how they know the healing powers of the plants - through the spirits of the plants.

While many of us in Western culture have lost connection with energy and spirit, what they are and how to perceive them; we can re-connect and learn again in these ways. And it’s not about entirely throwing out our Western worldviews, but it’s about remembering what’s been lost and integrating it back into our lives, to enrich and advance us in new ways, to address some of our most pressing challenges.

Join me, as we talk about:

🌱 How plant spirit medicine is a portal, or a doorway, to takes you deep into healing and ancient wisdom teachings

🌱 How practicing plant spirit medicine can teach you to master your own energy

🌱 Ways to begin to work with plant spirit medicine

🌱 The difference of working with plants in micro-dosing, soft dietas, isolation dietas, teas & tinctures

🌱 Why you may want to enter into a practice with plant spirit medicine at home in your everyday life

🌱 How to set up a sacred container to learn & work with plants as teachers

🌱 What guided plant spirit medicine looks like & the benefits of having a guide

🌱 People's experiences in their journeys with plant spirit medicine

I’ll also be sharing about 2 guided sacred containers to work with the spirit of plants.

​Sacred Connection: Soft Plant Dieta & Micro-dosing Group Journey- February 8 - March 28, 2024​

This journey is the heart of plant spirit medicine. This is an 8-week container where you get to learn from direct experience with plants at home in a micro-dosing and/or soft dieta format. I guide you to go as deep as you would like to go. It includes all instructions, preparation, rituals, practices, recipes, & a 1:1 energetic alignment session. It’s open to those who already have experience, and to those new to this work.
​Women of the Earth - March 20 - September 18, 2024​

This is a 6-month group mentorship for medicine women, healers, leaders & way-showers who are committed to remembering the ways of the Earth and of the plants. In this mentorship, you will learn about how to bridge the ancient practices into your modern life to be in service to a greater vision that is unfolding collectively, as we are being called back to the Earth. This mentorship is filled with teaching & guest teachers, and combined with practices, rituals, and working intimately with plant teachers.

There will be time for any questions you may have about these practices.

***And if you can't make it live, there will be a recording available.***

Look forward to seeing you!

With love,





Jaime is a Plant Medicine Guide, Intuitive and Energy Medicine Practitioner. Jaime has been a student of Amazonian plant medicines for nearly 15 years, including more than 3 years living in the Peruvian Amazon. Jaime bridges ancient ways of communicating with the Earth & Spirit into our modern lives. She teaches clients the skills to connect with the Earth & Spirit, activate their own empowered healership and develop an awareness and their own navigation system that bridges altered states, plants & everyday life. Her purpose is connecting us to the wisdom of the Earth so we become her devoted students & guardians. She offers private mentorship, healing, group work, and Master Plant Dietas in Peru. Learn more here:​


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