Journeying with plant medicine teachers in your own home

The Practice of a Soft Dieta

Plant dietas are not only done in the amazon.

What is a “soft dieta” and why would you want to do one at home?

Working with plants - as medicines and as teachers- can come in so many forms. From a full on ceremony with an entheogenic plant medicine to a gentle flower essence, a tea or a tincture.

Entering into a conscious relationship with a plant can open the lines of communication, deepen your healing, and awaken new levels of awareness outside the everyday mind.

How we show up to these relationships with plants is everything. As you can imagine, having a casual cup or tea is very different than engaging in a traditional tea ritual where you really get to know the tea, where it's from, & it's properties.

In many traditions, learning how to “work” with a plant, takes dedication, discipline, reverence and knowing what to do / what not to do to meet the plants deep within your mind-body-spirit. When you choose go down this path, you and the plant become inextricably connected, and the plant becomes a teacher, a friend and an ally that you can look to for guidance.

A practice of a “soft dieta” (often referred to as “attunement’) is about creating a sacred container you enter into in order to learn from a plant. And it is a practice that you can do from your own home.

In this free class, you will learn:

🌱 How a "soft dieta" differs from a traditional Amazonian isolation dieta, and how traditions around the world have learned from plants in this way.

🌱 What is a “master plant" and what is a "master plant dieta.”

🌱 The role of entheogenic plants in a dieta.

🌱 Why you may want to enter into a “soft dieta” in your everyday life.

🌱 How to set up a sacred container to learn & work with plants as teachers.

🌱 What types & forms of plants you can work with.

🌱 What a guided soft dieta looks like & the benefits of having a guide.

I’ll also be sharing about 2 upcoming guided group dietas I am offering this fall.

With love,



Jaime is a Plant Medicine Guide, Intuitive and Energy Medicine Practitioner. Jaime has been a student of Amazonian plant medicines for nearly 15 years, including more than 3 years living in the Peruvian Amazon where she has undergone traditional dietas with 20+ plants. Jaime bridges ancient ways of communicating with the Earth & Spirit into our modern lives. She teaches clients the skills to connect with the Earth & Spirit, activate their own empowered healership and develop an awareness and their own navigation system that bridges altered states, plants & everyday life. Her purpose is connecting us to the wisdom of the Earth so we become her devoted students & guardians. She offers private mentorship, healing, group work, and Master Plant Dietas in Peru. Learn more here:

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